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Forty-five years of the old news: Immediate Load on the Dental Implants

For more than 45 years, I have used scientifically proven techniques for the placement of dental implants. Recently, I have observed an interesting fact regarding the osseo-comprehenssive rod of titanium (previous known as implant pin) and bicortical screws, which in spite of being the most antique have become one of the most modern modalities (1). This confirms Bertolt Brech philosophy that “The truth is the son of time not the son of authority”,. These implants have passed the test of time (2 ). I have placed over 21.500 implants with a success rate of 93% ( 6, 11, 12). The interesting fact is that the immediate load was done for all of these cases and often without the use of a scalpel or sutures. (14, 15, 17,18, 31).

More than seventeen years ago if a patient had a problem with the appendix and needed to have a surgery, the surgeon would open the patients′abdomen with a large cut that would result in a 5 to 7 day hospitalization. Today, video laparoscopy allows for two mini-incisions to be made in the patients′abdomen permitting the patient to return home either the same day or the following day. The take-home message is: the less a scalpel is used the fewer the side effects (trauma, infection, pain, and edema) are observed and thus allowing for greater patient comfort Smaller incisions and fewer sutures are the trend in medicine; therefore the techniques used in the placement of osseo-comprehenssive bicortical titanium rods and screws are in accordance with modern medical techniques as they manipulate the patient′s hard and soft tissues minimally . Thus, the indicated dental implant techniques for patients with cardiac transplant, coronary bypass, cardiac stents, diabetes, and the elderly can be performed atraumatically.

My oldest patient had a total mandiblular implant when he was 93 years old. So, there is a tendency in the medical area (Cardiology, etc.) to refer to dental professionals that use minimally invasive techniques. The European Union acknowledged and registered these techniques through the certificate 93/92 C.E.E from the medical rule number 9842/98 manufactured by Acerboni Casargo, Italy. These techniques can be used for the placement of one or more dental implants especially when there is little bone thickness and thus preventing bone grafting surgery and the subsequent trauma (3, and 4).

This presents great versatility as in cases where the titanium osseo-comprehenssive rod presents with complications (such as mobility), it can be replaced immediately with a screw. In the event that a screw presents with a problem, the screw is removed and replaced immediately with one of larger diameter using fusion machinery to provide primary stability. This allows for one technique to help the other (5, 7, 8, 9, and 10).

Several authors have written that these dental implants combined with an immediate prosthetic load were old and outdated. It has been implied that these implants would not provide good results because the clinician should have waited four to six months to achieve osseointegration before placing them in function.

Now these very authors are claiming that the revolution in the Implantology is immediate loading without waiting four to six months for osseointegration to occur. Now, nobody says anything!

In 1995 published a very important book called Color Atlas and Text of Dental and Maxillo-Facial Implantology-Mosby,Wolfe.USA,written by great professors, highly qualified professionals,such as:John Hobkirk, Roger Watson, Albrektsson, T., & George Zarb (Foreword).Observe what they say on pages 9-13 state “However, attempts to define osseointegration based on histologic criteria have failed”, therefore they are claiming that through histologic studies there is no osseointegration and on page 13 “In the biological reality, there is no evidence of a complete bone to implant contact, but there is more or less soft tissue.”I agree with them.

This terminology, osseointegration, worries me for the following reasons:
1 - The titanium implant was not born with the person, thus the body accepts it, but does not incorporate it.
2 - Until the present time, ankylosis (osseointegration) was studied in pathology, as a disease and not as a normal physiologic state.
3 - In orthopedics, all prosthesis are attached by fibrous connective tissue and not directly to the bone (i.e. not osseointegration).
4 - 400 million years ago, when the first vertebrates appeared, they were agnatas, i.e., they did not have mandibles.

During the Jurassic period, 280 million years ago before reptiles evolved to mammals, this resulted in the gonfose mamaliam characteristics of all mammals (teeth, connective tissue and bone). Thus, before mammals, the thecodontica existed, a classification that includes alligators and crocodiles whose teeth are directly attached to bone (42). So with the osseointegration, humans regressed,instead of evolving.

In conclusion screw and osseo-comprehenssive rod of titanium implants are in accordance with the most modern medical technology, because they manipulate the patient′s hard and soft tissues minimally and they have passed the test of time (13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42).

So let′s make use of the old news.

References and Bibliographies

1) CARLO, L. D. - Las Numerosas Aplicaciones De La Soldadura Intra-Oral de Mondani. 17 años de Experiencia Clinica - Revista Española Odontoestomatologia de Implantes. Nº 1 volume XIV, págs. 24-30 - Março 2006.
2) LINKOW, L. I., MILLER, R. - Immediate Loading Of Endosseus Implants Is Not New. - Journal Of Oral Implantologi. - nº 5, volume 30, págs. 314 a 317. - 2004.
3) MIGUEL, R. C. - Algumas Considerações sobre o Tântalo ( Revista de Farmácia e Odontologia, nº 367 - Setembro/71 );
4) MIGUEL, R. C. - Sistema Retículo Endotelial, Sistema Linfático e Implantes de Tântalo ( Revista da Farmácia e Odontologia, nº 420 - Fevereiro/76 );
5) MIGUEL, R. C. - O Estado Atual da Implantologia ( Revista da Farmácia e Odontologia, nº 436-340-341-Agosto/77 );
6) MIGUEL, R. C. - Avaliação Estatística de Implantes Agulheados Scialom, em um período de 06 anos e 09 meses (Revista da ABO - Niterói nº 4 - Julho/Agosto/78);
7) MIGUEL, R. C. - Os Tecidos em Torno de um Implante. Observações com Microscopia Óptica e Eletrónica de Varredura - Boletim Informativo da Sociedade Odontológica Latino-Americana de Implantes Aloplásticos y Transplantes, nº 26-27-28-Julho/Agosto/79);
8) MIGUEL, R. C. - Nina, L. S., Guerrieri, L., Almeida, J. M. - Observações Histopatológicas de Um Implante Agulheado Scialom em um Maxilar Humano (Revista ARS Curandi nº 2 - volume 9 pág.17-20 Abril/Maio/83);
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10) MIGUEL, R. C. - A Situação da Implantodontia no Ensino Universitário (Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia - volume 31 nº 4 pág.338-340 - Outubro/Dezembro/1983);
11) MIGUEL, R. C. - A utilização do Parafuso de Lo Bello na Implantologia Oral (Revista Gaúcha - volume 31 nº 4 pág. 351-353 Outubro/Dezembro/1983);
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13) MIGUEL, R. C., Guerrieri, G. L., Mello, A . J. - Algumas Considerações Imunológicas nos Implantes Aloplásticos e nos Transplantes (Revista ARS Curandi nº 6 - volume 10 pág.36-40 - Novembro/Dezembro/1984);
14) MIGUEL, R. C. - Implantologia Oral Multitipo Revista ARS Curandi - nº 3 - volume 11 pág. 12-17 - (Maio/Junho/85);
15) MIGUEL, R. C., Guerrieri, G. L. - Implantes Endodónticos Intra Ósseo (Estabilizadores Endodónticos). Enciclopédia Brasileira de Odontologia - (volume 3, nº 4, pág. 89/93/85);
16) MIGUEL, R. C. - Cinerradiografia na Odontologia (Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia - volume 34, nº 4, pág.358 - Julho/Agosto/86);
17) MIGUEL, R. C. - Implantologia e Endodontia (Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia - volume 34, nº 5, pág. 402-403, Setembro/Outubro/86);
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19) MIGUEL, R. C., Guerrieri, G. L., Zambomi, F. D. - Insucessos na Implantologia Oral - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia volume 36, nº 6, págs. 426 e 427 - Novembro/Dezembro/88;
20) MIGUEL, R. C. - Anestesia em Implantologia Oral - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia - volume 37, nº 3 - págs. 236 e 238, Maio/Junho/89;
21) MIGUEL, R. C. - Cuidado com os Implantes - Jornal Odonto Notícias nº 47/89 pág. 4 Setembro/Outubro/Novembro/89;
22) MIGUEL, R. C. - Entrevista, atitudes e tendéncias na Implantologia Oral - Jornal Informativo Sociedade Odontológica Latino - Americana de Implantes Aloplásticos y Transplantes nº 3, pág. 8 - Outubro/Novembro/Dezembro/89;
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24) MIGUEL, R. C., Paca, C. A . - A utilização do Implante de Hidroxiapatia em Cirurgia de Cistos dos Maxilares - Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial nº 1, págs. 23,25 - Agosto/90;
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31) MIGUEL, R. C. - Implanted Lower Full Denture With Scialom Pins And Its Electromyographic Control The Journal Of Oral Implantology - vol. 7, nº 2, pág. 217-225(1977) USA;
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35) MIGUEL, R. C. - Long Term results With Intraosseous Implants: A Questionare Base Assessment, Juntamente com o Profº W. Hahn da República Federal Alemã - International Dental Journal - Vol.33, nº 4 - Dezembro/1983 - pág. 383-389 - Inglaterra;
36) MIGUEL, R. C., Guerrieri, G. L. - Die Dynamik des Knochens und Implantologie - Zahnarztliche Praxis. Heft 8, 39. Jahr. Págs. 300-303 - 12 August 1988. Munchen - Grafelfing - Munique - Alemanha;
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Trabalhos publicados

1 - A Utilização dos Implantes de Tântalo em Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial (Revista Conector - Volume 2 nº 2 e 12 - Abril/Setembro/1974, órgão oficial da La Associacion do Instituo de Implantologia - Buenos Aires);
2 - Implanted lower full denture with scialom pins and its electromyographic control (the Journal of oral Implantology - vol. 7 nº 2, pág..217-225/1977 - USA);
3 - The oral Implantology Program at the Faculty of Odontology of Nova Friburgo - Rj - Brasil - The Journal of Implant Dentistry - vol.4 nº 1 - pág..19/1978 - Australia);
4 - Verhalten Eines Alloplastisohen Implantats in Menschicken Kiefer - Zahnarzliche Praxis. Heft 6.35 Jahr - págs.226-230 - 8 juni 1984. Munchen - Grafelfing - Munique - Alemanha;
5 - Scialom Stift - Implantate: Statistik Uber 14 Jarre - Zahnarztliche - Praxis. heft 11.35 Jahr. Págs.437-442 - 14 November 1985 - Munchen - Grafelfing - Munique - Alemanha;
6 - Long term results with intraosseous implants: a questionare base assessment, juntamente com o Prof.W.Hahn da República Federal Alemã - International Dental Journal - Vol.33, nº 4 - Dezembro/1983 - Pág.383 - 389;
7 - Die Dynamik des Knochens und Implantologie - Zahnarztliche Praxis. Heft 8,39. Jahr. Págs. 300-303 - 12 August 1988. Munchen - Grafelfing - Munique - Alemanha.