Curiosidades - Os tratamentos em números

Ao longo desses 45 anos de experiência em Implantodontia, foram:

  • 18 mil pinos implantados, sem a utilização de bisturi ou pontos de sutura
  • 480 parafusos de Lo Bello, sem a utilização de bisturi ou pontos de sutura
  • 135 parafusos Mondani, sem a utilização de bisturi ou pontos de sutura
  • 46 lâminas de Lo Bello, utilizando bisturi e sutura
  • 32 implantes sepultos Lo Bello, em dois tempos cirúrgicos, utilizando-se bisturi e sutura
  • 1950 parafusos de Garbaccio, sem bisturi ou pontos de sutura

A utilização da barra estabilizadora nos Implantes Dentários com a Máquina de Fusão Molecular

Journal Of Periodontology .May 2010.Volume 81. Number 5.Pag. 748/757

Inflammatory Infiltrate, Microvessel Density, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Nitric Oxide Sunthase, and Proliferative Activity in Soft Tissues Below Intraorally Welded Titanium Bars.

Stefano Fanali, *Vittoria Perroti, *Luciano Riccardi, * Adriano Piattelli, *Marcello Piccirilli, *Laura Ricci, *and Luciano Artese *

Department od Odontostomatologic Science, Dental School, University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy.

This work was partialy supported by the National Resserch Council (NRC), Rome, and by the Ministry of the Education, University, Research (MIUR), Rome, Italy.


Therefore, this study can suggest submitting patients at strict protocol of oral hygiene to avoid progression of inflammation. Indeed, the use of the titanium bar intraorally welded to support immediately loaded implants could be a safe technique if supported by strict clinical protocol of oral hygiene.

A retorspective study on needle implants positioned in the posterior inferior sector: surgical positioned and recommendations
Autores: L Dal Carlo, ME Pasqualini, F Carinci, PM Mondani, S Fanali, F Vannini, M Nardone.

Aggiornamento Professionale di Michele Nardone - Impianti ad ago elettrosaldati negli edentulismi mascellari totali e parzali: studio multicentrico retrospettivo su 24 anni di casistica clinica. Clique aqui


“Truth is daughter of the time, not of authority” - Berthold Brecht

“Happy is the man who changes of opinion.” - R. C. Miguel

When we talk about life, we are talking about changing. For this reason the father of anti-logic, Heraclitus, said: “You cannot take a bath twice in the same river”.

In science we can also apply this concept, because it is possible that the current truths are not the truths of tomorrow. Such fact happened, and it is still happening, in a number of areas of science, and, with the called term ‘osseointegration’, more recently. In the beginning, the mentioned term, through its definition, meant: “Direct contact between the bone and the dental implant under Light Microscopy, with no interposition of any tissue”. This statement, however, could be true, at the time it was announced. Thus, as time goes by and the development of science, the statement of Berthold Brecht is confirmed; in other words, ‘osseointegration’ does not exist in dental implants.

This situation happened because the history of dental implants was ignored. How can we understand the current time if we do not know the past? Studies, which demonstrated that ‘osseointegration’ did not exist, were available at that time. The father of the modern dental implantology, Doctor Manglio Salvatore Formiggini, from the city of Modena, Italy, presented his works in 1947.

At any part of our organism, between two hard elements, i. e., bones that move themselves, for example, arm and forearm, teeth and bone, implant and bone, etc., if it there were not soft tissues (fibrous connective tissue) between two hard elements, they would be broken, destroyed. Because of this is that every prosthesis for orthopedic implant is fixed by the organism with a layer of fibrous connective tissue, mainly of the articulation of the femur (coxofemoral).

As time goes by, histologic studies could verify through the light microscopy and laser that ‘osseointegration’ does not exist as is confirmed in the bibliography and on the cover of the Journal of Oral Implantology, glossary terms, 2007, as well. The biggest defenders and writers about ‘osseointegration’, Tomas Albrektsson and George A. Zarb (foreward) wrote a book, together with John A. Hobkirk, Roger M. Watson, and Geoffrey H. Forman, named Color Atlas and of Dental Maxillo-Facial Implantology, edited by Mosby-Wolfe, in 1995, USA. Observe what is reported in this book, on the page 9: “However, attempts to define osseointegration based on histologic criteria have failed”, therefore they are saying that, through the histologic studies, ‘osseointegration’ does not exist, and, on the page 13: “In the biologic reality there is no evidence of a complete bone to implant contact, but there is more or less soft tissue”.

This terminology, ‘ossointegration’, is quite astonishing to us for the following reasons:

  • titanium implant does not grow with a person; just the same the organism accepts it, however, it does not integrate it.
  • At present, ankylosis (osseointegration) is studied as pathology, not physiology.
  • In orthopedics, all prosthetics are mounted by woven fibrous, and not directly to the bone (osseointegration).
  • 400 million years ago, when the first vertebrates arose, they were agnathous, i.e., they did not possess a jaw. During the Jurassic period, over 280 million years ago, when reptiles evolve into mammals, there arouse the dental gomphoses, joints characteristic of all mammals (Teeth, connective tissue and bone). However, before mammals, there existed thecodontia, a classification that includes alligators and crocodiles, which have teeth that are directly attached to the bone of the animal. Soon thereafter, with osseointegration, a human trait, rather than an evolutionary one, was an involution (retrogression).

We conclude that time is the lord of reason and truth, jointly with science that showed that ‘osseointegration’ does not exist in dental implants.

Professor Ronaldo de Carvalho Miguel


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